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5 Takeaways From FCA Postive Compliance Workshop
One of the frustrating things about our industry is how often FCA rules are misinterpreted. This happens so often in fact that several myths have emerged that have no basis whatsoever in legislation. So when I decided to attend one of the...
The Value of Economic Forecasts and A Lesson in IFA Bashing
I read this article on AdviserLounge by Julia Kollewe, apparently a financial reporter for The Guardian and The Observer ‘Many independent financial advisers talk a good game but when you dig deeper it becomes pretty obvious that they have only a cursory...
Your Cashflow Plan Vs. The Market’s Plan
I saw this interesting image on Twitter (via @farnamstreet) the other day that I think financial planners should share with their clients. It’s a graphic image of how clients think about their investments growing over time versus how their investments actual...
Portfolio Practices That Enhance Advisers’ Alpha
There are a plethora of services offering to help advisers with fund research and asset allocation. The likes of FE, Morningstar/OBSR and RSM have developed offerings that aim to take away from advisers the burden of fund research. Advisers simply buy intellectual...
Vanguard hits back! Beta Is (Nearly) Free, Alpha Is… Well, Expensive and Elusive
With Vanguard’s latest round of cost cutting across its fund and ETF range, we edge closer to a world where the cost of accessing equity market is ZERO! Now that Beta is officially almost free, chasing the elusive alpha has become even more expensive! ...
Performance and Survivorship: A Closer Look At S&P Indices Versus Active Funds (SPIVA) Study
Unless you are lying on the beach somewhere sipping margaritas, you probably saw the headlines reporting the SPIVA Europe Scorecard Study earlier this week, something like... ‘90% of active UK Equity funds beat benchmark…’ You won't be surprise that these headlines...
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