Welcome our blog. This is where we share thought-provoking, no-holds-barred opinions and commentaries on all things retirement income, financial planning and investing!

Video: Paul Armson on Delivering A Compelling Client Proposition

Video: Paul Armson on Delivering A Compelling Client Proposition

  Earlier this week, I connected with Paul Armson of InspiringAdviserOnline for the lastest AdviserHangout session.  Sharing his own inspiring story of how he got into financial services and built a successful business around delivering Lifestyle Financial...

Clean Share Classes, Dirty Tricks and Taxes

Clean Share Classes, Dirty Tricks and Taxes

  Platforms are back in the news after the HMRC announced last week  that rebates from fund managers to clients will be liable to income tax. The timing couldn't be any worse, given that we are coming to the end of the tax year.  Bed and ISA just got harder! First,...


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