Podcast 003: Clive Waller on Role of Rainmakers in Financial Planning Businesses

What will a typical advice business look like in five or ten years’ time? Will a typical firm be smaller or bigger? Will financial advice move away from being a lifestyle business to more of a professional practice?

A recent report by CWC Research in Association with Fidelity FundsNetwork attempts to answer these questions! The report titled – No Small Change: Benchmarking the Adviser Business – was authored by Clive Waller.

In this podcast, we caught up with Clive to talk about the findings of the report and the implications for advisers. I believe that the role of an adviser as a rainmaker is more crucial than ever; and as you will hear in this interview with Clive, ‘rainmakers should rain-make, they should make tea!’



Abraham Okusanya
Abraham is the founder of FinalytiQ, a research consultancy for platforms, asset managers, and advisory firms. Recognised as one of the country’s leading experts in retirement income, platforms and investment propositions, Abraham has authored several papers on these subjects and delivered talks to the Personal Finance Society, The FCA and several conferences across the country.

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