Platform Profitability (Twitter) Award Event- 10am on Wed, 3rd Dec

I have never really been a big fan on industry awards. One reason for this is they only tell you who they think the best providers are, and not the worst ones!!!, Bizarre right? I know 🙂 Not to mention the metrics are often undisclosed, presumably because they are too subjective, biased and probably won’t stand rigorous scrutiny!

Platform Profitability Ratings

So we are inviting you to a different kind of award event….  it’s on Twitter, so no need to dress up and leave the comfort of your offices. Come in your pyjamas if you like.

At this event, we are going to name the Best And Worst Platforms in terms of profitability in 3 categories (Large, Medium and Small platforms), making 6 awards in total.  Yup, we are going reveal who the most profitable platforms are and who is piling up losses like there’s no tomorrow.

Unlike most industry awards, these awards are based on hard data compiled as part of our Guide to Platform Profitability – The Quintessential Weapon In A Financial Planner’s Due Diligence Armoury!  And they say, data don’t lie.

We rated 20 major platforms based on 7 key metrics and assigned our very own FinalytiQ Platform Profitability Rating TM. Yup, that’s right… TM! Platforms are rated as either ‘Excellent’ ‘Good’ ‘Average’ or ‘Poor’ and we also provide a summary analysis on each provider; who has a chance in the market in the longer term and who needs to get their act together.

So at this Twitter Award Event, we are going to reveal Best And Worst Platforms in terms of profitability, and long term viability!Platform Profitability Guide

Here’s the details of the event:

DATE: Wednesday, 3rd Dec., 2014

TIME: 10am – 10.30am

VENUE: Twittersphere

ASHTAG: #profitableplatforms

DRESSCODE: Come in your pyjamas, if you like

Of course we are not stupid enough to think everyone will agree with us – that’ll be too dull. So, let get a debate going.

See you then!




Abraham Okusanya
Abraham is the founder of FinalytiQ, a research consultancy for platforms, asset managers, and advisory firms. Recognised as one of the country’s leading experts in retirement income, platforms and investment propositions, Abraham has authored several papers on these subjects and delivered talks to the Personal Finance Society, The FCA and several conferences across the country.

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