Breaking the prediction habit

Breaking the prediction habit

β€œPrediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future!” Niels Bohr

Human beings love to make predictions. Just look at the extraordinary growth of the gambling industry. Twenty-four hours a day, you can place a bet on anything from the number of throw-ins in a football match to the colour of the Queen’s hat at Ascot.

But there’s a problem – and a reason why online betting is one of the most profitable sectors in the economy. It’s that most of us aren’t very good at it.

Ask Professor Philip Tetlock at the University … More →

How much does is cost to build an investment platform?

How much does is cost to build an investment platform?

The truth is, it differs wildly.

We looked into three categories: robo advice platforms, life co platforms and independent platforms and we found some incredible differences, and published the findings in our 2020Β Advised Platform Report β€˜Endgame’.

You can see a taster in Abraham’s 7-minute video.

Or you could just cut to the chase and order a copy…

Interested just a teensy bit?

To discuss buying yours, please emailΒΒ today.


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Your 2020 Platform Report is here!

Your 2020 Platform Report is here!

FinalytiQ’s Advised Platform Report β€˜Endgame’ is here! Including our notorious Financial Performance Ratings.

As you’d expect, we tell it like it is, providing in-depth insight and analysis of the financial performance of over 20 advised platforms over the last three years.

The report is for you essential reading if you are:

A financial planner – it provides a key part of platform due diligence
A platform provider – it enables you to keep tabs on the competition
An industry player – it provides key insights into the industry’s direction of travel

To discuss buying your … More →