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The Case for Low Cost Investing
This 400-word client-ready article is based on Vanguard's latest The Case for Index Fund for UK Investors paper (April 2014). The core message to client is that majority of active fund managers underperformed their own chosen benchmarks over a period of 5, 10 and 15...
#2 Myth: ‘No One Can Beat The Market’
There’s a misconception about evidence-based investing that I come across all time. People assume that choosing low-cost index funds means you believe that no one can beat the market. That’s simply not true. The difficulty is identifying managers who do before the...
R.I.P, Active Vs. Passive (1971 – 2014)
Active Vs Passive debate is dead! Buried! Done! That’s according to a new report by institutional investment consultants Cambridge Associates, titled Hallmarks of Successful Active Equity Managers, which provides a robust framework for selecting active equity...
A New Dimension
Dimensional Fund Advisors - one of the core fund managers used by ßetafolio, was recently featured on the cover of leading US investing magazine Barron's. The article explores DFA's history, academic approach to investing and how the firm draws on the work of...
Would You Bet £1million Against Warren Buffett?
Here is a question, would you bet a million pounds against the world's smartest investor? Six years ago, Warren Buffett – without a doubt, the smartest investor on the planet today bet $1M (a negligible amount of money when you consider his fortune) and most...
#1 Myth About Evidence Based Investing: ‘Passive Funds Guarantee Underperformance’
One of the more prominent myths about evidence-based investing is the idea that an index fund (I loathe the term ‘passive’ because EBI is anything but) is guaranteed to underperform the benchmark. This argument is usually put forward by those blindly promoting active...
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