Claim to Fame: Movie Appearance


Warning: if you detest shameless self-promotion, don’t read this blog.  I promise, I won’t hold it against you. 

A year or so ago, I was in a room with twenty or so people… FS folks and lawyers and everyone got asked the question ‘what’s your claim to fame.’  Most people in the room went on and on and on…..  When it was my turn, I retorted  ‘I don’t have any!’ without even blinking. It felt weird. Everyone should have that kind of moment in their lives, shouldn’t they?

It’s true though! I don’t really have anything I would consider a claim to fame. Well, until a few weeks ago when Martin Bamford asked if I’ll like to take part in Boom! a movie about financial planning for the baby boomer generation!

He’s  got Paul Lewis, host of the BBC MoneyBox programme as the movie’s narrator and has already interviewed some  experts…. I mean real experts and famous people like  Justin Urquhart Stewart (SevenIM), Garry White, former share tipster at the Daily and Sunday Telegraph.




My first reaction was ‘what on earth can I possibly add that others haven’t already?’ Martin told me he wanted someone to talk about  the six steps financial planning process and the assumptions people have to make regarding lifetime cashflow modelling; inflation, investment returns, life expectancy. So I agreed to take part. 

So yesterday, I met Martin in London for the filming! And it was such a pleasurable experience. I am used to being in front of the camera and asking people their views on issues but not really been on the receiving end. Martin made me feel very comfortable…. you know, like a real ‘expert!’ He’s blogged about it here, so I won’t repeat it, although I’ll suggest you take his comments about being smart… and analytical with a pinch of salt.


Why I’m Backing Boom! And Why You Should Too

I got the opportunity to ask Martin why he is doing this. I don’t know a whole lot about him, but Martin is one of the most daring people I know in FS. Still in his early thirties, he runs a successful financial planning business, he’s written 5 books, and became an ultramarathon runner, in less than 2 year of taking up running!

So I wondered if this is another one of his daring adventures? Nothing wrong with that but I just wanted to know why he’s doing it!

Martin told me a bit about why he’s keen to spread the word about the importance of financial planning, particularly for the baby boomers. And given all the recent changes announced in the Budget around retirement planning, this is all the more important.

I couldn’t agree more with Martin. I think as a profession, anything we can do make people aware of the importance of financial planning is great. There are some good financial planning books out there but a movies/documentaries are rare.  So, another method of spreading the word is a great idea!

Martin is crowdfunding the project via Kickstarter and needs as much support as he can get. So let’s join him to spread the word about the importance of good financial planning.

So why do I want you to back the project? Well, I could give you a pitch about  the greater good; the ‘looming’ retirement crisis facing the boomer generation and why you should do whatever you can to stop it. But I won’t

The reason I want you to back Boom! is a lot grander than that; I want my claim to fame! I deserve it! But if you won’t do it for me, do it for my mum! Give her the chance to see her son in a documentary! Surely, you won’t deny a poor little lady that?

Go now!

In the meantime, I’m going to phone my mummy and tell her that her son is going to be in a movie!







Abraham Okusanya
Abraham is the founder of FinalytiQ, a research consultancy for platforms, asset managers, and advisory firms. Recognised as one of the country’s leading experts in retirement income, platforms and investment propositions, Abraham has authored several papers on these subjects and delivered talks to the Personal Finance Society, The FCA and several conferences across the country.

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