Multi-Asset Fund Guide 2018

The 2018 edition of the Multi-Asset Fund Guide is the most comprehensive study of UK risk-rated multi-asset fund families. This guide is an in-depth analysis of 91 fund families consisting of 402 individual funds in which a £148bn of client’s money is invested.

The report and the accompanying excel dataset include;

  • Extensive data and insight on 91 risk-rated/risk-targeted multi-asset fund propositions
  • Excel-based Efficient Frontier charts that enable users to compare the risk-adjusted performance of each fund family with the whole universe
  • Analysis of key metrics including cost, volatility and performance over various time periods
  • FinalytiQ Multi-Asset Ratings for 91 multi-asset families
  • Summary factsheets and ‘Efficient Frontier’ charts for the most popular fund ranges
  • Keymarket trends and regulatory implications for asset managers and advisers